Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Minute I Lost Track of Time

We wait and wait and wait with bated breath and preconceived expectations to see something to completion, so we can confidently pass judgment on whether it was worthwhile in the moment. Was this a valuable decision? Can I justify my actions? Did I do any good? We generate such anxiety in anticipation of the end that we lose our ability to experience genuine emotion during the process, and instead grow so numb that we don't even realize we're completely desensitized.

Does survival mode last a lifetime? Struggling toward what end? Why are we so quick to avoid things that compromise our survival, but so slow to realize our own mortality early enough to deeply invest in the existence we have?

{...the past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only about the past.} Virginia Woolf

This post comes from a strange place for me. While I understand that we build (to some extent) the pane through which we view the world around us, I seem to consistently view things as being challenging, consuming, terrifying...I create for myself a vantage point that ensures I'm constantly moving from one major struggle to the next without allowing myself to just sit in any of them. If (in anticipation) these opportunities are exciting, and (in retrospect) they always work out...why do I choose to perceive them this way in the moment? Exactly what am I trying to hide from myself?

Last week, in a conversation with a friend, I was describing a social situation I'd been in. In the middle of my postulating about why things did or didn't happen (trying to explain away the situation...) she asked me how I felt about it. I actually surprised myself when I didn't have an answer. Even after a few minutes, I honestly had no idea. I was so busy intellectualizing the situation I hadn't given myself enough time to live in it, and to actually determine whether it even meant anything to me.

Hiding from feeling? Seems silly...

This weekend, I went home to for the premier of a major creative project that I've been dedicated to for over a year. While the work was stressful at times and its pure nature was guaranteed to force me to question my own potential for failure, it was an incredible experience. Somehow, after allowing myself to wallow in self-created anxiety for months, the only emotion I could articulate genuinely feeling in the moment was a bit of nostalgia. And then it passed. What about pride? Happiness? Relief? Excitement?

My friend Amber came to see the show. Given that I haven't seen her in months and she doesn't live in the area, her visit came as a complete surprise. During the course of our conversation, she asked about my love language of preference (that is, the medium by which I choose to express my love for others and the one by which I prefer to have similar messages communicated to me). Amber's is time, which she made evident by dedicating the time to go completely out of her way on a whim as a demonstration of her support and friendship. She's one of the closest friends I've ever had and yet, it always seems difficult to stay in touch...

Though time seemed like the obvious and universal answer, I couldn't comfortably claim it as my own response to her question.

While home, I also confronted the realization that several close friends and relatives have suddenly come face-to-face with serious (unexpected) health issues; most recently, my dad has been forced into the hospital for emergency surgery. At numerous points during the weekend, my dad and I found ourselves in the same room...his anxiety compounded by my own personal frustrations. There was never awkward silence; we talked openly about how we were feeling. I couldn't understand how I left home still feeling completely disconnected from everything and everyone, despite spending a full weekend of concentrated time there. (Note: I've felt this way almost every other time I've been back for the last several years.)

There exists an immense gap between feeling for someone, and feeling with someone. You may feel sympathy for someone, and you may be able to describe your happiness to someone. Can you identify the last time you genuinely felt with someone?

If my dad had said in one of those moments, I have never felt so completely vulnerable and helpless in my entire life..., that would have immediately knocked down my walls. It would have forced me to acknowledge (both to myself and openly to another human being) that I, too, was feeling really insecure about his situation. I likely would have sobbed, but it would have at least gotten rid of the elephant in the room (or rather the back half of the Titanic in the room that dragged the iceberg in with it, resulting in a temperature drop of about 60 Centigrade degrees). If anything, it would have been cathartic and we might have both felt secure knowing that neither one of us was at all stable by any stretch of the imagination. (Notice, I didn't air my grievances either. I was completely successful in talking about how I was feeling with everyone, while doing everything in my power to avoid actually actually feeling it.)

In a way, this explains why I feel disconnected from some of the very people who mean the most to me (Amber is among them). She demonstrated her support by offering time, but I've found it difficult to stay in touch because I haven't been willing to honestly engage in feeling with her. I have sincerely felt for my friends and I've described to them what I feel, but haven't let down my guard far enough to let them feel it with me.

My very best friends are people who I've engaged in feeling with at one time or another; we have either shared a powerful experience, have seen each other completely unguarded, or have developed such a deep level of trust and understanding that the facade no longer does any good. These are the people who continue to stir feeling in me...even if only because I know they'll see right through any disingenuousness I try to dish out.

My family members are people I no longer get to see on a regular basis. When I do get to see them, I don't want to waste a moment acknowledging the kind of raw homesickness you only feel when you finally return to a place or person. Why would I want to engage in a public outing of all my frustrations and regrets about things I didn't handle well when I was younger, or an evening of reminiscing about wonderful moments that only make us sad we can't relive them?

In an effort not to feel these things, we so often block ourselves off from feeling anything.  I'm learning that celebration of these relationships should outweigh personal insecurities about experiencing pain or fear; doing them justice requires taking a risk and trusting that people will want to share this experience with you. Likewise, they will want you to share it with them. Invite people to feel with you and invest deeply in those who do.

I'd like this to be my love language. Perhaps time is not the coin?

Speaking of coins, I dropped off my laundry and left to get more quarters for the dryer. I came back to this....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Minute I Inspired

Not that I moved or motivated anyone...I just breathed in fully today. It was a busy weekend full of great people, but it was the last item of busy-ness I had to attend to after a long period of unexpected surprises (for better or worse).

{He lives most life whoever breathes most air.} Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Funny how this works...

To breathe in fully, you have to first breathe out everything you're already holding. To inspire [defn: (1) to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence (2) to produce or arouse a feeling, thought, etc. (3) to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc. (4) to inhale] you must first expire [defn: (1) to come to an end or terminate as a contract, guarantee, offer, etc. (2) to emit the last breath (3) to exhale].

I haven't decided what this means yet, but it took up about 10 minutes of my attention today on the bike.

This is a recent source of inspiration for me.  It's an original oil sketch, drawn by my grandmother Dzintra Dungan, in 1964.  I have no idea who this man is or what served as her source of inspiration, but how can you look at this without smiling?!

Until next time,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Minute I Looked Up

I'm sure you've already braced yourself for either (a) a commentary on some sort of divine spiritual revelation or (b) a self-deprecating anecdote about getting smacked in the face with a baseball that could potentially have flown my way at this weekend's Spikes game. Though both may have enriched your life in profound ways, you're not getting either (don't worry...I'll give you plenty of reasons to laugh at my expense eventually).

{Every so often, I like to go to the window, look up, and smile for a satellite picture.}  Stephen Wright

If someone's looking down it generally means they're ashamed, they're sorry, or they're trying to cover the fact that they're actually not sorry:

-If you made a mistake, admit it. If you're genuinely sorry, apologize openly and honestly.  Getting defensive serves nobody; you're not kidding anyone, including yourself. No amount of self-justification fixes the problem, and sometimes it's more relieving to just accept the burden of responsibility and apply your energy to finding a really big Band-Aid.

-If you're not sorry, don't apologize! If you made a conscious decision to think or act a certain way, don't hide behind an excuse. Carry yourself with assuredness, stand your ground, and support your opinions. (Note: It's also not always necessary to justify your actions.  Sometimes it's fair to simply state your decision, without trying to explain it away to people.)

-If you feel ashamed, change your outlook (for feelings of guilt about making a mistake or anxiety about hiding behind an excuse, see above).  For feelings of embarrassment or self-consciousness, look up.  Everyone has had a bad day (one of those I'd-rather-try-to-navigate-my-way-through-the-arctic-tundra-with-a-Qtip-than-see-someone-I-know-right-now days).  Of course, that's when your love interest from 7 years ago rounds the corner into the coffee shop you're currently occupying (Wasn't he working on a different continent? Who knew?!) Take the blinders off, look up, and say hello. On the other end of this scenario, how many times have you even noticed your friend was in his sweaty gym clothes? You were just happy to see him, right?

When you spend all your time looking down, you're missing out on the beautiful world and captivating people around you. By the time you have the humility to honestly admit your failures, the confidence to stick up for yourself, and the perspective to remember you don't live in a vacuum--by the time you're ready to make eye contact with the world, you will have missed it. 

Looking up reminds you that there are other people. They're going through their own trials, tribulations, celebrations...happies and sads, Dad would say. Isn't it great to have someone insert one tiny little moment of fabulousness into your life, unexpectedly? The guy who left a tip on my table yesterday despite the fact that I'm not actually a "waitress"--the restaurant manager who refused to let my friend pay for lunch because he appreciated the conversation we had with him on his break--the random stranger who offered a compliment that can only be genuine because it's just THAT random...I look up to those people.

On a lighter note, I had to use up the rest of the scallops and green beans.  Take 2 was definitely better...scallops and portobello mushrooms sauteed in olive oil and seasoned with curry.  I ate the green beans raw, drizzled with a tiny bit of tamarind concentrate. Good way to end the day.

Have a great today,

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Minute I Stopped Moving

Note: Don't expect to ever see another post this formal or polite from me (didn't want to scare you off too soon...). They'll also never be this long (I'm impatient to a fault). Besides, we'll already know each other by next time.

I find myself in the wonderful position of being surrounded by truly remarkable people, all moving along their own timelines. Interestingly, many of us have recently wandered into the same situation despite being at drastically different points in our lives--we realize we're not really living. These people have provided the advice, adventures, and ponderings that inspired this blog. I'm excited for you to meet them.

{Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.} Carl Sandburg

I am abnormally freaked out by the passage of time. I used to think the best way to handle this was to fill my life with everything imaginable, for the sake of efficiency; I would pack as much as physically possible into every day so I could convince myself I was making the most of my time. I've come to learn this is completely counterintuitive. You can't stop time. Instead of fighting with an immovable force of nature, it's probably better to develop a slightly more effective strategy; deeply invest in moments as you live them. Unfortunately, when you're constantly preparing for the next moment you only ever superficially engage in the one you're living in real-time.

My biggest fear is that I'll realize at some point that I neither have a deep understanding of my self, nor any fulfilling recollection of how I spent my time--I will have been so busy trying to save it that I missed out on the very moments I was trying to capture and preserve (Catcher in the Rye, anyone?). I will have been too busy to truly invest in thinking, loving, creating, connecting, experiencing, and making mistakes.

You can't know yourself without leaving room for these things. You may be able to identify relative to a socially defined label but not as a human being. To truly know yourself in this way you must engender your humanity, which manifests itself in the parts of living common among all people regardless of their location in space or time. People's ability to explore the realms of food, music, culture, ethics, heritage, communication, and spirituality is often stifled by the pressures of more time-sensitive responsibilities--their busy-ness, if you will.

Following a series of thought-provoking discussions and perspective-administering events, I decided that it was time to break myself of my most disabling habit; it is time to stop wasting minutes trying to escape the best and most beautiful things in life. I want to learn to live and love every, every minute.

I stopped moving today. While some of my friends would call this apocalyptic, the day wasn't all that revolutionary. I did, however, feel refreshed and present in a way I haven't for quite some time. After taking a moment to actually breathe during breakfast, I headed out for the day's adventure. I'm an intern at Poverty Resolutions Inc. (www.povertyresolutions.org), a growing non-profit dedicated to mitigating the global burden of poverty by creating and supporting sustainable economic and educational programming here and abroad. In preparation for the upcoming Arts Festival in State College, we've teamed up with other start-ups and non-profits in the area for a creative project; each organization has sponsored the painting of a piano that will be available for public use downtown throughout the event. On a whim, I decided to see if the painters needed help and found myself hopelessly lost in Lemont (hangs head in shame...). After driving aimlessly for an hour and awkwardly showing up at the home of someone whose name I didn't even know, I spent an incredible afternoon painting pianos and enjoying random conversation with two really progressive and engaging strangers. I have primer splattered all over my body for proof.

Later, I discovered that the easiest way to go for a long run without getting bored is to get lost...when you don't need to watch the clock, you're not so concerned about where you're going or how you're going to get back.  Needless to say, I managed to lose myself in State College twice in one day.  I'm not proud of this, BUT I made some beautiful discoveries along the way.

I actually cooked dinner. Revolutionary, I know. That's right...real food. Not a granola bar on the way to work or an apple between meetings--sauteed green beans, scallops and grape tomatoes seasoned with garlic. Done and done.

Lesson of the day: Allow yourself to get lost.

Ciao for now,